INTAGE Monthly Trend Index January 2025
Based on the results of the monthly surveys conducted by INTAGE India, we provide the latest data reflecting the current state of consumers. As the environment surrounding consumption changes, how are consumers' mindsets and spending behaviors evolving? We will analyze changes in consumer behavior through the following three questions.
Current feeling by 10-point score | Overall, what have your feelings been like over the past month? Please rate on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is 'Not at all good' and 10 is 'Excellent' (Please select only one.) |
Change in expenses for the next month | Do you expect your expenses to increase, decrease, or remain the same next month? (Please select only one.) |
Items/Experiences plan to spend on | What are some things or experiences you want to spend money on in the future? (Please select all that apply.) |
Current feeling by 10-point score (Average of 10point rating)
There have been no significant changes since last month, but younger age groups tend to show more variation in their monthly feeling.
Change in expenses for the next month (%)
There have been no significant changes since last month.
Items/Experiences plan to spend on (%: Dec 24 vs Average of May-Nov24)
[INTAGE Monthly Tracking Survey]
Area: Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore
Target: Male and Females aged 18-44 years old
Methodology: Online Survey
Sample size: 360 (Equally distributed by area, gender, and age)
Timing of survey: Last week of each month